Saturday, May 16, 2020

A Democratic Government - 986 Words

â€Å"The strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate, but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose† (Obama, 2009). Fellow survivors, I ask you to imagine a year from now and envisage the society you want to be a part of. It has been three weeks since the disaster. Fear and confusion are rampant within the fragments of our society, productivity is at an all time low and our community lacks structure. We now must decide on a political system to lead us and give our society hope and direction. A deliberative democracy will provide us with the greatest opportunity for a successful future. Before we can wholeheartedly submit to a democratic government, it is important for us to first recognise and consider the central complications, which have arisen from this crisis. Our first priority is to help all those who are traumatised and so are unable to think rationally. Without intervention, the otherwise inevitable repercussions, which follow from a traumatic incident, will no doubt lead to cases of suicide, self-harm and substance abuse. The forthcoming shortage of vital resources within our community centre, and the wasting of such resources by those who are acting irrationally, is another issue of equal importance with which we are going to need to provide guidance if we can hope to live within a sustainable society. At the moment we are divided, alienated and wastingShow MoreRelatedThe Democracy Of A Democratic Government849 Words   |  4 PagesA democratic government is one in which the â€Å"supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation† (Merriam-Webster). In theory, a true democracy is one that is governed by the people in the form of â€Å"the rule of the majority†. This is a process that seems to have been naturally embedded in the human mind. 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