Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Research Methods Process of Developing the Research Question

Questions: 1. Describe the process of how you developed the Research Question (in other words, what sort of research activities did you do?) 2. What is the working/draft Research Question that you have developed, based on the process? 3. What is the knowledge gap that you seek to fill with this research? 4. What type of methods will best suit your research (i.e. qualitative, quantitative, mixed), and why? 5. Outline and justify the proposed research methodology. Discuss the rationale for your selection of the following: (a). research techniques (b). brief outline of data collection (c). proposed analyses. Answers: 1. Process of developing the research question I developing my research question, I focused a lot on the pertinent issues that the society faces in the health sector and some of the major constraints faced by health providers while carrying out their duties. I began formulating my research question by focusing on the broad topic of health and how health care determines the economic welfare of people in the society. I embarked on the health as my research topic because the topic can be studied due to the research gaps on the topic. I listed all the possible research questions about health that could be answered during my research. Out of the many questions listed, I ranked the items according to the order of their relevance and urgency in health. After ranking the questions, I chose the best question the one which is neither too narrow nor too broad to be researched upon. In deciding which research question is best, I researched on the sources of information for the research that are available and able to answer my research questi on and how reliable are they. I found that there were enough and reliable sources for the research question to be fully answered. My knowledge also guided me in choosing then research question and the availability of the gaps in the research topic were also considered. Before embarking on the research topic, I subjected my research question on a rigorous evaluation to determine the possibility of successfully completing the research. 2. Research question What is the effect of technological innovation on health care provision? 3. Research gap In the past, researchers have carried out research about information technology and its relevance to healthcare provision focusing so much on the information recording and keeping (Kelley, 2016). Very little has been done about how technology can reduce the expenditure on health, improve decision making, improve health care access and facilitate ample communication between health care providers and patients (Barham, 2014). Research need to be done to evaluate on what role does technology innovation play in health care provision and majorly focus on decision making, communication improvement and medical access to patients (Issel, 2015). In the past, researchers have not given attention research on some of the barriers to successfully implement technology in the healthcare system and methods in which theses obstacles can be overcome so that patients receive improved health care (Berkowitz McCarthy, 2013). Methods of research Both qualitative and quantitative research methods are used in this research for various reasons. One primary reason for using both methods of research is the kind of information needed to clearly address the aforementioned research question and come up with a broad conclusion. Another reason for mixed research is the fact that research question requires both primary and secondary data to be fully answered (Bassett, 2004). The research question is wide and needs comprehensive data and information to be fully addressed. Research methodology The research methodology will involve the use of both qualitative and quantitative tools of data collection but will mostly rely on qualitative data for most of its analysis focusing on social aspects of health and how it can be improved by use of technological innovations(Patton Patton, 2002). First, the research will begin by gathering information from various books and other secondary sources about the roles that technology plays in healthcare provision (Issel, 2015). The information will be collected from different books, journals, articles and previous researches that were done information documented in the library database. Data will also be gathered from various primary sources using interviews, surveys, questionnaires and by observations. Initially, a survey will be conducted to measure how satisfied diverse groups of people are with the provision of health care services in public and private healthcare institutions (Liamputtong, 2011). The target group for this research will vary from college and university students, locals, medical staff and all the people that receive medical services from various health care institutions in both the public and private hospitals. The research will focus on using descriptive analysis method due to the nature of the research question that should be answered. During the research, I will administer a survey to selected samples of college and university students, locals, and health care workers. The purpose of using a survey for this research is because the study aims at collecting data from specified samples of the population (Liamputtong, 2011). Furthermore, the survey instruments that will be used for this research will be questionnaires and interviews to the targeted samples. Since the research involves the collection of information about the quality of health and technology utilized in the provision of healthcare services, surveys are the most appropriate method of data collection. Furthermore, surveys are a key tool to conducting social and basic science researchers. Theirs is a significant advantage of using questionnaires as survey instruments as opposed to interviews because they are easy to administer, c an be administered to several sample groups and respondents are assured of the confidentiality than personal interviews. Moreso, after considering the cost of data collection when using personal interviews and questionnaires, it became clear that questionnaires are cost effective. Because of the above-mentioned advantages, the research will mostly employ questionnaires in data collection. Proposed analyses Data analysis for this research will be done using both statistical and descriptive analysis techniques. Before the actual data analysis, information collected from the surveys will be checked for completeness and correctness. After data has been confirmed for the two features, data will be keyed into the database for analysis to produce the output. Computer programs such as Stata and SPSS will be used for the analysis of data and results be recorded in the table. During the analysis, all incomplete surveys will be canceled and not included in the analysis process. Descriptive tools and frequency tables will be constructed to present the results in an organized manner for various groups of people to interpret the data. References Lyon, F., Mollering, G., Saunders, M. N. K. (2011). Handbook of Research Methods on Trust. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Pub. Newell, R., Burnard, P., Newell, R. (2011). Research for evidence-based practice in healthcare. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. Chatburn, R. L. (2011). Handbook for health care research. 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