Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lincoln s Point Of View Of The Cause For The War - 852 Words

Seminar 5.3 Seminar 5.3 includes Lincoln’s point of view of the cause for the war, the Gettysburg Address, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address which described the reasons war took place and letters from two generals and their varying point of views. Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, published an open letter to Lincoln about not mentioning the emancipation of slavery during the start of the war. Lincoln replies by saying that he is trying to unify the nation as quickly as possible under the constitution. Lincoln doesn’t agree with the people that thinks abolishing slavery as a whole isn’t necessary for saving the nation. Lincoln states that if he could, he would avoid abolishing slavery but he feels that it is utterly necessary in order to save the nation. He will always do what is best for the United States and will do less of whatever hurts the nation and do more of whatever helps the nation. In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, he refers to how just eighty years ago our forefathers brought forth a new nation and declared that all men were created equal. Yet, eighty years later, the nation is divided into two and are engaged into a deep civil war. We shall never forget the brave men that has fought so bravely for the unification of our nation and that we are obliged to finish the â€Å"unfinished work† so that the brave men who died during the war will not have died in vain and this nation will have a â€Å"new birth of freedom† with a government â€Å"of the people, by theShow MoreRelatedThe Emancipation Proclamation And Its Consequences1688 Words   |  7 PagesCivil War, Lincoln vehemently denied the rumour that he would mount an attack on slavery. At the outbreak of fighting, he pledged to restore the Union, but accept slavery where it existed , with Congress supporting his position via the Crittendon-Johnson Resolutions. 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